Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Keep it secret, keep it safe

I've known this woman since I was in middle school. I was at church after a pretty long period of absence (my mother was sick and we didn't go for a over a year). We went back one Sunday evening and she was in my class. I thought she was cute and liked her (in the way that 5th or 6th graders do). So I told my parents that I liked this place and wanted to go back.

A couple of years go by. We're in high school now and have know each other for a few years. She had grown to be a very beautiful woman and one evening we were out grabbing food/supplies for a party at a friends house and the song "Save Tonight" by Eagle Eye Cherry started playing. She said she really liked this song and like that it became "her song" in my mind.

The song is pretty pop oriented. It's catchy and appealed to me as a teenager. I loved the way the lyrics flowed and the beat progressed. I also loved the vocal style of the singer. There was gravelly sound or something I tend to associate with rolling your R's when you're speaking Spanish. He also had a fairly baritone sound which allowed me to sing along with him without sounding like a fool.

I haven't seen her in years (read since college). The CD I had is long gone, but each time I hear this song I'm reminded of a summer evening, sitting in Wal-Mart's parking lot waiting for someone to come back with food for a party and my friend saying "I like this song" and singing along to it with her.

I am fascinated by writing styles. I find it very interesting when an author writes in a manner that just seems to draw me in. Jerry Holkins (aka Tycho Brahe) from Penny Arcade is one of those writers. His phrasing, timing, and word usage just engages me. I haven't determined what the little thing is that I find so enjoyable about the way he types. I have a friend who manages to do a similar thing. His choice of words, the way he phrases his comments, or his timing feels like it's aimed right at me.

I say that because I aspire to write like them. I've blogged before but never have I felt that my writing was very engrossing. I'll make myself laugh but that's because I'm a narcissist. I hope to refine my style and maybe, one day, find out that it appeals to others in a way that Jerry or my friends' appeals to me.

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