Tuesday, January 6, 2015


"The world isn't fair, Calvin"
"I know Dad, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?"
-- Bill Watterson as Calvin

My previous thoughts may have lead you to think negatively of others or, perhaps, very poorly of me. The truth is that I, on occasion, do a very poor job of explaining.

The truth is that I am late to this thing called life. I have failed in working on myself. I have loved ones who have fought (tooth and nail) to wake me up, but I have not heeded their warnings and so I find myself in the position that I am.

The truth is that if my sister, mother, or dear friend where in a relationship with a man like me I would be honor bound to tell them how dangerous pursuing a life with a person like me would be.

The truth is that I am not a bad person. This is where the problem begins. I believed the fallacy that since I am not a bad person then I am pretty good. If I am pretty good it is not a far step away from being good. Since I am a good person then I must not do very bad things. This means the things I do cannot be truly harmful to others or myself because only bad things would fit that bill. Overall, I am a good person (because I am not a bad person).

The truth is that I am a selfish person and when I am measured I am found little, petty, childish, and immature.

The truth is that I need to grow up.

"Sad little king of a sad little hill."
-- River Tam

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