She did not make it easy for me. The conversation went something like this.
Me: "So what are you doing Friday?"
Her: "Working and then dog sitting immediately afterward. Then a wedding on Saturday."
Me: "Oh, ok." *thinking* "Well shoot, I don't have a plan B."
*plays more frisbee*
Me: *thinking* "I wonder if she has lunch plans on Sunday. Is that a good time for a 'date'?"
Me: "What are you doing for lunch on Sunday?
Her: "..." "..." "Nothing"
Me: "Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday?"
Her: "Yes, I would. Where were you thinking?"
Me: "I was thinking Italian."
Her: "Oh, I'm not a fan of Italian. Any other ideas?"
Me: "Um, no. What sounds good to you?"
Her: "I'll let you know."
If you couldn't tell my plan was Friday and Italian. Sunday and something else was completely off the cuff. I will say this, historically I would have stopped after the "busy on Friday" response, but I persevered (I guess that's perseverance). I'm a little excited. I'd rather not go into more details about her and such. Not really the time or place.
This week has been rough. I have schoolwork looming over my head. I had my heart crushed by the events that happened to a dear friend of mine. Work is busy and draining. But, I get to play board games with friends this evening and church plus a date on Sunday. It is a week of extremes.
Huge effin' claws. :]