Monday, February 27, 2012

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

I feel I am stuck in my memories. Longing for things that will never come. They have passed me by. I feel like I'm trying to carry water with open hands. I want to grab it, hold it, seize it, but it slips past me. I want more than what I have, but what I want isn't related to anything I currently have. I don't want better this, or more of that; I want new, untapped, unexplored.

I am so very tired. I go to bed exhausted, wake up exhausted, and go throughout the day tired. I feel like I'm trapped in a cycle of despondency.

I have many good things going for me, but I can't seem to get over these thoughts. I will be graduating with a masters degree in a few months. I have excelled at my education. I have friends that I interact with often and I have the freedom to experience new and exciting opportunities in my life.

I met her so very long ago; 28 years to be exact. We have experienced just about everything together. We have fought, cried, grieved, laughed, and loved each other for everyone one of those 28 years. I don't see her as often as I want and miss her more than I thought was possible. She is constantly moving and always appears to be living, maybe even a tad reckless, but she is experiencing life. I am jealous.

She has two songs that will forever be hers. She has always loved this piece of art and it was because of her that I heard this song. I have since grown to appreciate both "Starry, Starry Night" by Don McLean and the painting by Vincent Van Gogh. I remember sitting in her room and listening to this song for the first time. I saw a part of her that I rarely noticed before. I saw her heart.

I'll share her second song another day. I have to have some content for other posts. I can't use up everything in this one.

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